الجمعة، 13 مايو 2011

"CIA" to inform U.S. lawmakers on the body images of bin Laden after his death

Osama bin Laden

Started and the Central Intelligence Agency of America, "CIA," presented this week at the American Vice-body images of Osama bin Laden, who was killed by U.S. commandos on the second of May in Pakistan, as declared in the source of Congress on Wednesday.
He said Republican Senator from Oklahoma James Ainehovy Network "CNN" that he saw 15 pictures of bin Laden is dead.
He noted that the pictures taken immediately after his death, "terrifying."
He commented that "One of the bullets pierced one ear to come out of the eye. Or they penetrated the eye and burst out a section of the brain from the eye socket. Was a terrifying sight."
He added that there is no doubt in his mind about the identity of the deceased.
He said: "There is no doubt about that, certainly. I have seen the pictures. He is Osama bin Laden.
It is scheduled to visit the Democratic Representative Duch Rabersbid, the highest Democrat on the Intelligence Committee of the House, the headquarters of the "CIA" in the Angelay Virginia (east), near Washington on Thursday, as announced by his spokeswoman Heather Molino told AFP.
The Chairman was Mike Rogers has seen the photos in the headquarters of the "CIA" in the second of May.
Congressional sources said that the other two deputies from the Intelligence and Defense Committees called to see the pictures of bin Laden.
For his part, said Deputy Republican John McCain Tuesday in front of reporters that he has no intention to go to the headquarters of the "CIA" to see the pictures, "because I have seen enough of the dead in my life".

Israeli TV: Egypt intends to establish a consulate in the Gaza Strip

D. Nabil Arab and Foreign Minister

Channel reported that seven Israeli Egypt intends to establish a consulate in the Gaza Strip, during the next few days.
The channel in its evening news broadcast major at the tenth time in Tel Aviv, the ninth time Cairo, that the decision was made in the wake of several consultations Egyptian Foreign Ministry.
The channel, that the decision to open the consulate will be launched during the visit of the Egyptian delegation to Gaza within several days, to follow the work of the Palestinian Committee, which was agreed upon during the reconciliation agreement signed in Cairo between the rival Hamas and Fatah.
The newspaper pointed out, that Major General Mohammad Ibrahim, deputy director of Egyptian intelligence will arrive in the Palestinian territories in the coming days, to monitor the implementation terms of reconciliation on the ground, and how to follow up the obstacles that stand in front of reconciliation.
It should be noted that the delegation will arrive in Cairo between Hamas and Fatah, to discuss forming a new government.
Cairo Press today: a unified law for houses of worship within 30 days .. Investigations: Mubarak caused the high debt .. Badi: "Brotherhood" deal with the parties to the principle of "Mother .. and the pope did not find a guarantee other than the Shari'ah

Assigned to the Council of Ministers, headed by Dr. Essam Sharaf, Chairman of the Committee of national justice, whose formation was announced yesterday to prepare a draft law criminalizing all forms of discrimination between the Egyptians and the examination of the draft unified law for building places of worship, that the project is completed within 30 days, the Council announced in a statement yesterday Following the meeting, which held the honor yesterday with members of the new headquarters of the Council of Ministers and the presence of the Ministers of Justice and Interior and Local Development, the Committee's goal is to address attempts to sectarian strife and to map the problems and issues with this file and to propose effective solutions and speed of execution, the statement said that he was assigned to the investigating authorities shall submit to the Presidency Minister the results of the investigation into the events of sectarian strife in the Church of Alexandria and the arrival of the saints and Botfaih Mokattam Albderman and the village of Minia and events, he returns and the Imbaba and advertising without prejudice to the investigation quickly.

Starts a graft next week to investigate Habib el-Adli and former interior minister in the new issue faced on the increase of wealth and the exploitation of his job in achieving a graft threatened sentenced to 15 years old, according to the text of the law in the third case from the list of cases where the accused Adli, including the issue of profiteering and washing Money which was issued against the rule of 12 years in prison.

Issued on Saturday a decree-law directly political rights in preparation for the parliamentary elections and presidential elections .. The preparation of the law through a legal committee and the top-level judicial included advisers Mohamed Abdelaziz El Gendy Minister of Justice and Hatem Bejato Vice-President of the Supreme Constitutional Court and a number of professors and legal experts, in addition to the legal committee of high-level of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces is expected to include provision in the bill explicitly allows Egyptians abroad to participate in the elections, as it is to be the continuation of the text in the new law to exempt the police and the military from voting in the elections, their presence throughout the service .. The law includes abolition of quota women and the holding of elections on the list relative and individual system, which is in 3 stages.

Advisory Committee recommended that the Supreme National Dialogue held its meeting yesterday, Wednesday, headed by Dr. Abdel Aziz Hegazy to postpone parliamentary elections because the current period does not allow security to conduct these elections, where the Committee considered that the referendum is first on the constitution and then hold the presidential elections and parliamentary elections, Which will be approved or not yet approved subject to the Council of Ministers and the Military Council for its consideration.

Judicial sources say that the investigations conducted by the Attorney General with former President Hosni Mubarak revealed accused of causing the height of Egypt's foreign debt, but Mubarak has denied that, saying he was seeking to reduce public debt in various ways, citing "Mubarak" records of more than a ministerial meeting had been called for Council of Ministers the need to take economic measures and the steps necessary to do so, pointing out that the investigations with Mubarak not over yet.

Said Dr. Mohammed Badi leader of the Muslim Brotherhood that the group deal to the principle of the mother, which opens its arms to all Whatever they do with them so we open our arms and hearts to all currents and parties, no matter how abused us and tried discrediting us said that Islamic Sharia is our reference and Pope Shenouda did not find a guarantee in the case of a second marriage only Law and can not snap the limits of law on Muslims only after Acfhihm food, clothing, housing and non-Muslims, although their laws applied to them, and attacked what he described as adorable to secular journalists said they serve the agenda of foreign and incite against religion and fueling sectarian strife.

Word three injured in the events of Imbaba last breath yesterday succumbed to their injuries in hospitals and the Qasr Al-Aini Demerdash, bringing to 19 the number of victims of Muslims and Copts, the security organs have also set a new 21 accused in the events of Imbaba and have been referred to the military prosecutor.

And exhausted the Public Prosecution periods available for pre-trial detention for the ousted President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak, although no conclusion of the investigation to him about the reports of committees of the four formed by the Attorney General on issues where the accused, "Mubarak" and the need to display on May 25 on the chamber, the Court of Misdemeanor for the consideration of renewal of aphasia with the need to enter Even though the accused himself was incapable of movement or transfer of the Criminal Court before the end of the term of imprisonment for the latter.

Incidents of sectarian strife in the zone of Imbaba not planned externally as some claim, but is an internal affair comes as a result of accumulation of long in the presence of the large state of absence of security given roles mounting of the outlaws, as well as the proliferation of illegal arms in the hands of citizens coincided with the escalation of And the multiplicity of the forces of the former regime's attempts to derail the revolution by raising all forms of conflicts and clashes in the Egyptian society to show that the revolution that caused the security state of collapse.

Major General Mansour vowed Essawy Minister of the Interior of the judges during a meeting with a delegation of them Saturday night to secure the courts by all means and methods available for security and consistent with the possibilities of the Ministry of Interior is currently under the country's shortage in the number of police officers

Hundreds of Christians gathered in front of the Church of the Virgin the heart of the city of Edfu after the disappearance of a young Christian woman and absence from her home district, Kadry Othman City Seven Edfu Center since last Monday .. The girl called Christine and Paul flames 18 years old student, third grade secondary school has gone out to visit her grandfather did not return to her home and did not accuse the father of the girl any person causing the disappearance of his daughter.

He left the Prime Minister Essam Sharaf Cairo yesterday afternoon on his way at the head of a ministerial delegation to Uganda and Ethiopia to hold talks with leaders of both countries on the promotion of relations of cooperation with them to a file search by the Nile Basin in the light of the Egyptian delegation's visit to the two countries recently.

Hawass: A Portrait of "Israel" prayer only between Moses and the Jews in the history of Egypt

Dr. "Zahi Hawass"
Dr. Zahi Hawass, that the only connection between Moses and the people of Israel in ancient Egyptian history is the panel of "Israel" in the Egyptian Museum, during his interview with the media, "Rola Kharsa" on Live TV program "Life and people." He explained, "senses" that many Israelis on the existence of the tomb of Moses at Sinai is not true, all legends.
He said I do not think that there are people imitated the Governor and the worker is not like human beings such as the Egyptian people, who on their leaders to the gods and semi-gods, and became the governor's aides are afraid to tell them the truth of their people saw them, thus making the rulers in the Islamic state disguised to know the conditions of the state.
Hawass added that the dictatorship that is leading the people to revolt against their rulers, but the argument that both the rule of Egypt At the end of the unfortunate is incorrect and it's all coincidence, and that did not happen only in modern times.

Hawass said that Nasser was a charismatic loved him in spite of all practices that were in his reign.
"We now delve into the tomb of" Cleopatra "in the Burj Al Arab, has already discovered a number of statues and coins dating back to its age.
He added that we need in the next phase to restore the ethics of the field, which prevailed in the field of editing so as not to lose the most important principles of the Revolution, a morality.
He "senses" that surprised the press, which focuses on negative news and exciting, and ignore all the positives such as the production line "costume Zahi Hawass," and convert all its proceeds to benefit Children's Cancer Hospital, "57357", and the transfer of proceeds from the sale hat Zahi Hawass in the United States of America to Children's Museum.
Israeli official: Tel Aviv feared the Egyptian army since the revolution of January 25

Israeli army

Detection senior Israeli security official, fears that the Israeli army in the beginning of the change in relations with the Egyptian army since the outbreak of the revolution on January 25, and that the Egyptians did not complete the revolution after.
The Israeli official said during an interview with Israeli journalists yesterday, "It is the responsibility of the Egyptian army configure the police and the formation of ministries, and the most difficult things that must be controlled is the Sinai Peninsula, where it is a black stone for the Palestinian resistance organizations," he said.
And the process of infiltration of African refugees through the Egyptian border - Israel across the southern region of Israel, said the source, he can put an end to this phenomenon completely, adding Ba Israel has managed to reduce infiltration by 50%, and the number of infiltrators per year declined from 6000 to 2500, pointing out that the process
construction of the barrier with the Egyptian border, carried out rapidly.
The Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, Israel said the security source, who did not reveal his identity, "The enemies of Israel have moved from seeking an end to the destruction of Israel, to try to drain, Several years ago the threats were very large, but today, Hamas would threaten to fire rockets in the country to sow fear
between the Israelis. "
The source said the Israeli official, "we must not forget that during the Second Lebanon War and the process of Cast Lead assures us that our enemies that they will pay large damage, the last two years has been the quietest in terms of number of people affected".

"public funds" set important documents in the case of "Reading for All"

Suzanne Mubarak

On behalf of public funds seized documents and important papers relating to the administrative structure of the Integrated Care Society, and the other relating to the Scientific Committee of the Supreme read for all, which was chaired by Suzanne Mubarak, and some ministers and officials on the role of a publication.

And examine the documents the prosecution now to determine the responsibility of authorities in support of the project, and the official who received such support and aspects of exchange.

And ended the prosecution heard Anas el-Feki and former minister of information who denied the capture of funds Reading for All Festival, and decided that all the money that came for the festival installed in the books of the Association.

Islamic Group: We will support the "Abu Fotouh" about his candidacy for the presidency

Dr. successful Ibrahim leading Islamic Group

Dr. successful Ibrahim leading Jemaah Islamiyah, a large number of people affiliated with the Islamic trend in general, and the Islamic Group, in particular, would support Dr. Abdel Moneim Abul Fotouh Ikhwanite in the event of his candidacy for the presidency, but he pointed at the same time that he wished to distance the Islamists themselves on the run for the upcoming presidential election. Ibrahim said in a special statement (for the seventh day), "Abdel Moneim Abul Fotouh person acceptable to all political currents, and I think it is the biggest of any Islamist group, and fit to run for the presidency, and has the ability to deal with everyone," pointing out that Islamism will be supported in the case of his candidacy for the presidency regardless of his differences with the Muslim Brotherhood.
For his part, said calling Salafist Abdel-Moneim El-Shahat The Salafists announced the principle applies to all candidates, and will not Ikrkoh, which they would not seem an opinion on any candidate applying for the presidential elections, only after nominations closed for the elections, pointing out that everything was about the candidates so far
is a mere declaration of intent.
The Shahat "I think that Dr. Abdel Moneim Abul Fotouh has a problem, that the Muslim Brotherhood, which belongs to it would not support the nomination for the elections, which affects the position of any stream other than, perhaps, if Abu Fotouh has no affiliation to it was easier."

Omar Hashem sent a complaint against the elders of the protesters at the Sufi shaykhs

Dr Ahmad Omar Hashim - the former head of Al-Azhar University

Accelerated the pace of developments in the crisis situation the elders of the protesters at the Sufi shaykhs of the century on the second day straight, following the submission of reports to the police against the demonstrators by members of the Supreme Council of Sufi, led by Dr. Ahmad Omar Hashim, former president of the University of Al-Azhar, Sheikh Abdul Jalil Tohamy Undersecretary of the Ministry of Awqaf.
The elders denied Sheikh Abdul Hadi Communications towns liberated by the knowledge of members of the Supreme Council of Sufi elders of the reform movement against the protestors at the Sufi shaykhs 12 days ago, accused Sheikh Mohammed Sheikh Shahawy way Alchhauip, cane inciting members of the Council against them for allegedly causing damage to the building of the presbytery.
Shahawy said Thursday that the Senate, the protesters were surprised during their sit-in the arrival of a large number of police officers to investigate the number of complaints against us by Ahmad Omar Hashim, Abdul Jalil, Mohammad Rifai Tohamy members of the Supreme Council of Sufi were informed that the police officers on the reality of the situation.
He added that the method of handling the security with the protesters is an extension of the practice of the National Party dissolved, backed by the State Security Investigation to serve the project inheritance, which was dropped by the popular will through the revolution of January 25 of the blessed, and will the will of the Sufis Liberals and the Reform Movement worsted dropping its remnants within the presbytery and in the Supreme Council of the ways of Sufism.
The Shahawy, which at the same time the President of the Sufi world, that the tails of the party dissolved and tailings would not hesitate to do anything to stop the encroachment of the masses of Sufism, which is willing to dismiss Sheikh of Sheikhs Abdul Hadi cane solving the Supreme Council of Sufi and trial of the Minister of Awqaf former Mahmoud Hamdy Zaqzouq.

"Family House" calls for deterrent action against the crowd in front of houses of worship

Part of the meeting of the "family home"

The board of the Egyptian family home Thursday afternoon, a meeting Bmsheekp Al-Azhar to study the development of a fact-finding committee sent by the District to Imbaba on May 8 certificates to prove who visits during the events, and to check its aftermath. The Council stressed that watching with deep interest and concern of those events, and its destructive effects condemned by the nation as a whole force and determination, the Council lifted a number of recommendations to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, of which the Board considers the need to take legal action critical and severe against all those found involved in terrorist crimes, whether instigating, assisting or implementation, and appealed to the House of the Supreme Council of the armed forces not to allow people to gather in front of houses of worship and all its institutions for Muslims and Christians, whatever the pretext, whatever the purposes and objectives.
He asked "family home" for compensation of harmed Muslims and Christians, appealing to the media refrain from publishing any news before validated, particularly with regard to the change of religion, as the form of "family home" a delegation to visit the families of the victims and the injured from both sides, and visit the injured in the places
their presence in homes or hospitals.
It also decided to "family home" to send some of its members from both sides to the forums of university students for discussions and dialogue, and to respond to questions, where I started student unions to extend an invitation to him, also decided to form delegations of young Christians and Muslims held her labor camps and educational sessions after the end of exams, and during the months of summer, in order to restore a culture of intimacy and affection, which was always the inherent values ​​of the Egyptian people.