الجمعة، 13 مايو 2011

Cairo Press today: a unified law for houses of worship within 30 days .. Investigations: Mubarak caused the high debt .. Badi: "Brotherhood" deal with the parties to the principle of "Mother .. and the pope did not find a guarantee other than the Shari'ah

Assigned to the Council of Ministers, headed by Dr. Essam Sharaf, Chairman of the Committee of national justice, whose formation was announced yesterday to prepare a draft law criminalizing all forms of discrimination between the Egyptians and the examination of the draft unified law for building places of worship, that the project is completed within 30 days, the Council announced in a statement yesterday Following the meeting, which held the honor yesterday with members of the new headquarters of the Council of Ministers and the presence of the Ministers of Justice and Interior and Local Development, the Committee's goal is to address attempts to sectarian strife and to map the problems and issues with this file and to propose effective solutions and speed of execution, the statement said that he was assigned to the investigating authorities shall submit to the Presidency Minister the results of the investigation into the events of sectarian strife in the Church of Alexandria and the arrival of the saints and Botfaih Mokattam Albderman and the village of Minia and events, he returns and the Imbaba and advertising without prejudice to the investigation quickly.

Starts a graft next week to investigate Habib el-Adli and former interior minister in the new issue faced on the increase of wealth and the exploitation of his job in achieving a graft threatened sentenced to 15 years old, according to the text of the law in the third case from the list of cases where the accused Adli, including the issue of profiteering and washing Money which was issued against the rule of 12 years in prison.

Issued on Saturday a decree-law directly political rights in preparation for the parliamentary elections and presidential elections .. The preparation of the law through a legal committee and the top-level judicial included advisers Mohamed Abdelaziz El Gendy Minister of Justice and Hatem Bejato Vice-President of the Supreme Constitutional Court and a number of professors and legal experts, in addition to the legal committee of high-level of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces is expected to include provision in the bill explicitly allows Egyptians abroad to participate in the elections, as it is to be the continuation of the text in the new law to exempt the police and the military from voting in the elections, their presence throughout the service .. The law includes abolition of quota women and the holding of elections on the list relative and individual system, which is in 3 stages.

Advisory Committee recommended that the Supreme National Dialogue held its meeting yesterday, Wednesday, headed by Dr. Abdel Aziz Hegazy to postpone parliamentary elections because the current period does not allow security to conduct these elections, where the Committee considered that the referendum is first on the constitution and then hold the presidential elections and parliamentary elections, Which will be approved or not yet approved subject to the Council of Ministers and the Military Council for its consideration.

Judicial sources say that the investigations conducted by the Attorney General with former President Hosni Mubarak revealed accused of causing the height of Egypt's foreign debt, but Mubarak has denied that, saying he was seeking to reduce public debt in various ways, citing "Mubarak" records of more than a ministerial meeting had been called for Council of Ministers the need to take economic measures and the steps necessary to do so, pointing out that the investigations with Mubarak not over yet.

Said Dr. Mohammed Badi leader of the Muslim Brotherhood that the group deal to the principle of the mother, which opens its arms to all Whatever they do with them so we open our arms and hearts to all currents and parties, no matter how abused us and tried discrediting us said that Islamic Sharia is our reference and Pope Shenouda did not find a guarantee in the case of a second marriage only Law and can not snap the limits of law on Muslims only after Acfhihm food, clothing, housing and non-Muslims, although their laws applied to them, and attacked what he described as adorable to secular journalists said they serve the agenda of foreign and incite against religion and fueling sectarian strife.

Word three injured in the events of Imbaba last breath yesterday succumbed to their injuries in hospitals and the Qasr Al-Aini Demerdash, bringing to 19 the number of victims of Muslims and Copts, the security organs have also set a new 21 accused in the events of Imbaba and have been referred to the military prosecutor.

And exhausted the Public Prosecution periods available for pre-trial detention for the ousted President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak, although no conclusion of the investigation to him about the reports of committees of the four formed by the Attorney General on issues where the accused, "Mubarak" and the need to display on May 25 on the chamber, the Court of Misdemeanor for the consideration of renewal of aphasia with the need to enter Even though the accused himself was incapable of movement or transfer of the Criminal Court before the end of the term of imprisonment for the latter.

Incidents of sectarian strife in the zone of Imbaba not planned externally as some claim, but is an internal affair comes as a result of accumulation of long in the presence of the large state of absence of security given roles mounting of the outlaws, as well as the proliferation of illegal arms in the hands of citizens coincided with the escalation of And the multiplicity of the forces of the former regime's attempts to derail the revolution by raising all forms of conflicts and clashes in the Egyptian society to show that the revolution that caused the security state of collapse.

Major General Mansour vowed Essawy Minister of the Interior of the judges during a meeting with a delegation of them Saturday night to secure the courts by all means and methods available for security and consistent with the possibilities of the Ministry of Interior is currently under the country's shortage in the number of police officers

Hundreds of Christians gathered in front of the Church of the Virgin the heart of the city of Edfu after the disappearance of a young Christian woman and absence from her home district, Kadry Othman City Seven Edfu Center since last Monday .. The girl called Christine and Paul flames 18 years old student, third grade secondary school has gone out to visit her grandfather did not return to her home and did not accuse the father of the girl any person causing the disappearance of his daughter.

He left the Prime Minister Essam Sharaf Cairo yesterday afternoon on his way at the head of a ministerial delegation to Uganda and Ethiopia to hold talks with leaders of both countries on the promotion of relations of cooperation with them to a file search by the Nile Basin in the light of the Egyptian delegation's visit to the two countries recently.