الخميس، 5 مايو 2011

Cairo Press today

Cairo Press today: the new President of forensic physicians: the case of "blessed," not to impede transfer to the hospital Tora .. Sheikh Yaqub is a "bin Laden " the best man in the world .. And 3 Gulf states, was to give Egypt $ 17 billion
In the first days assumed the task of the Chief Medical Examiner's successor, "Alsebae ahmed alsebae", d blow. Ihsan Kamil Georgi surprise his assurance that the case of deposed President Hosni Mubarak's stable and does not impede the transfer to the prison hospital, which the Interior Ministry sources expect the end of the installation steps of medical devices in 3 Weeks.

It is a new back-Sheikh Mohamed Hussein Yacoub to the lights, calling for a hero, "Battle of funds" is, in front of 6 thousand students at the University of Al Azhar, Osama bin Laden is the greatest man in the world, adding that he was a symbol of honor and heroism of the Muslims in the earth, and that he obtained the certificate, which had hoped .

Under the title "before begging heroes of the revolution treatment, " writes colleague Wael lamp in the "sunrise", the young Muhammad Ahmad Sharaf lawyer Menofy, who received a bullet in Tahrir Square on Fri anger and then go to the Medical Center of the World, loss of memory, before being forced to Get out of it as soon as the announcement of the Centre is ready to receive the deposed President Hosni Mubarak

 The second Friday in a row continues to Abdel-Azim Hammad, editor of "Al Ahram", detected in the folds of our revolution .. This time, convey information to the effect that the armed forces were prepared in advance to support the popular revolution before its inception on Jan. 25, where he developed a plan of action "in principle" which predicted that down the Egyptians into the streets to stop the Declaration of succession, and the army believed that the revolution will be in this May or June on The latest, but that young they started early.

And crisis Camellia Shehata newspaper published statements to the Attorney-leaning Salafist Mamdouh Ismail, criticizing the Declaration Naguib Gabriel that Camellia live at her home with her husband and her son, and she Klth to appear on behalf of the prosecution, "Ismail" "Where is home? Is the State is unable to gain access to the title ?. "

According to my colleague Wael Chahboune, announced the wholesale fruit and vegetables, the markets will not face any shortage of supply until next October to testify next week to intensify the volume of supply by 50%, leading to lower prices by up to 30% at least

 A lengthy report written by my colleague Khalid Miri for the wealth of symbols the Mubarak regime, and reveals the possession of Anas el-Feki, Minister of Information the past, 20 mansions and a piece of land worth in excess of 100 million pounds and yachts worth 4 million, as the report says, "Fiki" got 5 million man Businessman Hisham Talaat Mustafa radio ads for "cities".

In the third page we read a news story on the continuing cash reserve of foreign currency decline for the fourth consecutive month, losing about $ 2 billion, recording a $ 28 billion in the month of April, however, did not disclose the central bank officially about the reasons for the decline, but the bankers Ergonhto disappearance of foreign direct investment To Egypt since last January.

The paper describes the sentence yesterday morning, the imprisonment of General Habib al-Adli, the former interior minister, 12 years as the first rain, "News" reported that "Adly" off the suits in white and wore blue because of being convicted of money laundering, waiting for red over the issue of kill rebels
In the third page of the "delegation" read about the extraordinary general assembly convened by the Judges Club today to discuss how to deal with the continued encroachment on the judges within the courts, and confirms a senior judicial source told the newspaper that, in case of failure to provide police for immediate protection of the judiciary, they will resort to sit-in and comment sessions Trials, comes at a time, select the Alexandria Judges Club on May 20 as the date for the elections.

According to the honest fellow lawn, the expected increase in the budget for scientific research during the new fiscal year will reach 200% so that the State has adopted 90 million pounds from its general budget instead of only 30 million this year
Dr. Ihsan Georgi blows, the new Chief Medical Examiner, surprise his assurance that the situation of deposed President Hosni Mubarak's stable and does not impede the transfer to the prison hospital, which the Interior Ministry sources expect the end of the installation steps of medical devices in the course of 3 weeks.

And reveal the sources of the Ministry of Finance to a colleague Mohsen Abdel-Razek, that 3 Gulf states have offered grants and financial aid to Egypt to help them overcome the current crisis in the light of indications on the difficulty of borrowing from the IMF and World Bank, and the total supply up to Egypt is currently $ 17 billion from Kuwait and Saudi Arabia and Qatar .

In the first page of "The Egyptian Today" read the report to a colleague Hany Waziri monitor the end of the administrative offices of the Muslim Brotherhood in the provinces to choose the names of candidates the group the upcoming parliamentary elections, in preparation for submission to the Guidance Office for approval, says Mohsen Radi, a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, said the group would run between 250 and 254 in the parliamentary elections and 132 in the "consultation"

According to colleague Samir Ramadan transmitted adviser Amr Sabry, Attorney-General first for the prosecutions of financial affairs, trade, businessman Samih Sawiris to the Court of Misdemeanors economic accusing him of a number of shareholders of Orascom Hotels and Development Egyptian fraud in the value of the company's shares, which caused them financial losses.

In his first day as "the Chief Medical Examiner" put Dr. Ihsan Georgi 3 scenarios for the independence of the Department of Forensic Medicine of the executive most notably the transfer of affiliation to the Supreme Council of Magistracy
Of a new back-Sheikh Muhammad Hussein Yacoub to the lights, calling the term "Battle of funds" is, in front of 6 thousand students at the University of Al Azhar, Osama bin Laden is the greatest man in the world, adding that he was a symbol of honor and heroism of the Muslims in the earth, and that he obtained the certificate, which Wished for.

And highlights the "Sunrise ", a story about the establishment of Party of Justice on Thursday evening, Friday, with the participation of the Advisory Committee, which includes Noha El Zini, Amr Shubaki, and Mona El Baradei, and Waheed Abdul Majeed, Abdul Jalil Mustafa, poet Abdel-Rahman Youssef.

Under the title "before begging heroes of the revolution treatment, " writes colleague Wael lamp in the "sunrise", the young Muhammad Ahmad Sharaf lawyer Menofy who received a bullet in Tahrir Square on Fri anger and then go to the Medical Center of the World, loss of memory, before being forced to get out of it Once the announcement of the Centre is ready to receive the deposed President Hosni Mubarak
Highlight the "Republic" willing followers of Sheikh Hafiz Salama of the Salafis to control the Al-Nour mosque Abbassiya-Fri fourth, respectively, at the same time insisted Dr. Abdullah al-Husseini, Minister of Awqaf, as mandated by Islamic thinker d. Hassan El Shafie delivered the sermon despite a ban Salafi him last week.

It is the province of Beni Suef colleague Mustafa Abdu describes the beginning of the work of Dr. Maher Damati the new governor as "unfortunate" after refusing to receive a delegation of 5 members representing the 250 protesters, they demanded the installation in the form of literacy and adult education.

The Mohammed Abdel Salam, head of the Egyptian stock exchange, he emphasizes that the development of Borstna is now better than before the revolution of January 25, according to reports published in Standards and Poor's

Full details of the disappearance of "CD" the central security .. The prosecution failed to run Fastaant Major General Hussein Mousa wiped what it .. And prosecutors and was charged with hiding evidence material .. And "Cairo Criminal" consider his trial with the "Adly

The circumstances of the disappearance of the "CD", which contains calls wireless between the leaders of the Central Security Forces and the main center, as well as the command assigned to the Habib al-Adli and former interior minister, Major General Ahmed Ramzy, Director of Security Sector former central broke up demonstrations by force to make the case, which is one of the most important evidence texts that material in the case and that himself the "seventh day" previously published in its issue of April 19.
A source with a high level that is responsible for the disappearance of CD, an officer at the Central Security Forces, which has Bitlavh and hide what it is evidence-Adli and his aides.
The source pointed out that the DPP had moved on March 6th to the headquarters of the Central Security Forces, and has set the CD-ROM, "CD" is by all telephone communications between the leaders and security officers of the Central, on how to deal with the demonstrators, and during the process of emptying the "CD"
show that is not supported to work on any computer to the public prosecutor continued, except for only one device that resides at the presidency of the Central Security Forces.
Immediately the Attorney General shall notify the responsible for the operation of the device at the presidency Forces Central Security, named Major General Hussein Moussa, the supervisor of the communication in the security sector of the Central, which he brought a computer to the old can run the device to the prosecutor's office, and as soon as the the "CD" inside the
Moussa pressing the record button instead of the Play button, which led to the survey and the abolition of what he has the information and destroy it.
Counsel decided, Dr. Abdel Meguid Mahmoud Attorney General to transmit the Brigade to the Criminal Court after questioning him and guiding him charged with hiding evidence destroyed deliberately, and that the Court of Appeal identified the first session of the trial of "Moses" on the date considered by the Fourth Circuit Criminal Cairo headed by Counselor Adel Abdel Salam Gomaa session
trial leaders of the Interior, and on top of "Adly" for the killing of demonstrators, while the public prosecutor attached CD, which was destroyed, to make the case, was a book by a detailed report of what happened.
Investigations revealed at that time that the "CD", included the issuance of orders to fire live bullets at the demonstrators from the Interior Ministry, which caused confusion because of the refusal of some central leadership of the Central Security Forces, while responded to some of the leadership sub in some areas and places on her head Tahrir Square
, and the streets nearby, after the urgency of the orders from the Interior Ministry, fearing the arrival of the demonstrators and storming the headquarters of the ministry, especially to General Habib al-Adli former Minister of Interior and all the leaders who make up the operations room inside.
She explained the recordings, that a large part of the instructions relating to fire on the prisoners escaped from prisons and led Nitrite and Qata and Burj Al Arab, and the confrontations that took place between officers and security personnel of the Central and the fugitives on the road to Cairo-Alexandria Desert, and also included the altercations between the number of officers and leaders and security personnel, about
quick response to the beating of prisoners or fugitives stop, where one of the officers shouted at the wireless device to a security personnel "Open fire on them .. if countries Spenahm Hikrbwa country .. and Hinhboha and Isergoha .. and kill and Edna and daughters."
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Is disappeared «CD» recordings between the central security «Habib Adli» and «Ahmed Ramzy» in the case of killing of demonstrators?