الثلاثاء، 10 مايو 2011

Late June .. Fleet Freedom 2 released into the Gaza Strip

Gaza Strip

Announced the international coalition convoy of freedom "2" to be routed to the Gaza Strip from the date of the postpone their trip to late June.

The coalition, during a meeting in the French capital Paris on Monday, and was broadcast in the Gaza Strip today, Tuesday, to postpone the conduct of the convoy comes to avoid confusion Turkey in light of the general elections scheduled to take place in the twelfth of next month, pointing out that the ships involved in the convoy will start From several ports, including the French port of Marseille, without revealing the total number of these vessels.

Israel has alluded to the possibility of using force against the convoy, under the pretext that it was Israel's security at risk have been talking about several scenarios, including the murder of solidarity and the use of Israeli missile boats to attack the fleet.

The coalition refused to (a fleet of freedom 2) International Israeli threats against him continued, and demanded the EU and all governments that participate in the citizens of the fleet and the more than a thousand people from around fifty countries that provide them protection from any Israeli attack.

Shalit's brother entered the flame ignition ceremony in Jerusalem

Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit
Brother broke into the Israeli soldier prisoner of Hamas in Gaza, Gilad Shalit (Shalit shall be entrusted) with his girlfriend Square to ignite the torch ceremony in West Jerusalem, with slogans calling for solidarity with his brother captive.

Shall be entrusted Shalit and chose the time to ignite the torch at Mount (Herzl) in Jerusalem to enter the ceremony to protest against the helplessness of the Israeli government in the restructuring of his brother, the prisoner of Hamas.

And shall be entrusted with his girlfriend tried to break into the center of the square, carrying banners that read (and parents bereaved father .. and I do not want to be as well), which carried the banner of his girlfriend (Netanyahu .. people decided to Itcafl socially to bring Gilad Shalit).

And the two shouted loudly (Gilad district so far .. Gilad district so far) in a bid to draw public attention until it was their evacuation by force by the security personnel present at the scene.

Prison for 28 years wanted to blow up U.S. federal court

U.S. court
A judicial source said that the U.S. admitted that he wanted to blow up a federal court in Illinois (north of the United States) for al-Qaeda, after being sentenced to prison for 28 years.

The representative of the prosecution would like Henin, said Michael Fenton belongs to those Americans affected by the ideology of extremist and violent and who tried in the past two years carry out terrorist acts in the United States.

He acknowledged the defendant's 31-year-old charges against him prior to his conviction, and admitted that he wanted to use a weapon of mass destruction against a building belonging to the United States.

In July 2009, Fenton suggested, on the security element considered to be linked to al Qaeda, the bombing of a federal court in Springfield, the largest city in Illinois.

After pressure on the timing wrong returned to the security component, who was waiting in a car, and walked away after the goal, tried in vain to blow up "the bomb"and then was arrested.

A slight rise of stock indexes and twice as sharp in morning trading

Egyptian Stock Exchange

Rose main stock index, "Egy X 30 " during trading the first hour of trading Tuesday, up limited by 0.11%, and the index of medium and small companies, "Egy X 70 " by 0.09%, while the index fell "Egy X 100" broader By 0.22%.

Witnessed many of the shares rises significantly during the first trading day, and the Pioneers led by shares, which rose by up to 10%, despite the lack of the number of shares purchased (100 shares), an indicator of a serious weakness of the trading volume in the market.

Shares of Arab investments, and development by 8.4% for the same reason, the shares rose Ezz Steel rose 1.9%, and the shares of Egyptian Resorts by 7.3%, and contributed to the castle of investments by 1.1%, and Orascom Telecom rose 0.50%, while shares in Sixth of October SODIC 5.5%.

Index "Dow Jones" earns 46 points

Stock Exchange, "Wall Street" of America

Stock Exchange concluded the "Wall Street"of America, trading the trading session yesterday, Monday, the beginning of the week, in the Green Zone, and the rise of a mass of key indicators, and gain the Dow Jones industrial average 45.94 points, to close at 12684.70 points, an increase of 0, 36%.

The benchmark Standard & Poor's 500 "S & P 500" broader, by 6.09 points, to settle at 1346.29 points, an increase of 0.45%.

The Nasdaq Composite Index "Nasdaq" and the technology-laced, trading higher by 15.69 points, to reach the level of 2843.25 points, an increase of 0.55%.

Expert: Doctors strike is ineffective on the stock market

Egyptian Stock Exchange

Said Sameh Abu Arais President of the Arab Society for Technical Analysis, that the strike of doctors to demand the resignation of the Minister of Health and Hospital Insurance is moving in a negative on the stock market today as long as no harm source of income a key, demonstrating that what happened in the market during the ignition fire of sectarian strife in Imbaba recently where Down the main index of the Stock Exchange "Egy X 30 " rate of 1% and re-echo to the top of the next day, which shows the scene of sit-ins back in Egypt.

The Abu Arais that although the stock market is a mirror of the political events in the country, but that investors in Egyptian Stock Exchange since the outbreak of the revolution and the resumption of the resumption of stock market accustomed to circumstances in Egypt and even country-wide, with happened to have some kind of adjustment with the current situation, and became Their investments are managed under the state of sit-ins and strikes.

The Abu Arais, that the direction of the market today will be on the same vein, which refers to the transverse direction accompanied by some minor fluctuations up and down, moving the cursor where the main point range between 4900 and 5000 points, with the continuing decline in trading volumes.

"Industry" to refrain from Cement Company to grant 13 new production licenses

Industry Minister Samir Sayyad

13 companies from the cement companies entered into a dispute with the Ministry of Industry and Foreign Trade, arrived at the courts, for the Ministry's failure to grant such licenses to new companies and required them to enter history in the absence of energy available to them.

The source said, both parties forward appeals against the other, but that the ministry has had 9 provisions in their favor against the Companies: The Egyptian Company for Urban Development Company, the Pharaohs of Cement Clinker and Cement Company, the Orient, and Cement Company valley and the Delta Electronics Group and Misr International and Modern Cement Midikum Aswan, in addition To the International Company for Cement.

4 companies and got a ruling in their favor, the Delta Cement and international development and investment and global cement and South Valley.

This comes against the backdrop of the gap that exposed the Egyptian market by the year 2017, which increase the rate of consumption to 77 million tons, while Egypt produces 60 million tonnes during the current period.

The ministry postponed the granting of new licenses for cement companies, due to lack of energy and dedicated to new projects and directions of its energy imports, but it has not yet decided.

Plane looking to participate in the World Championship of Beach Soccer

Ali  Sergany

Studying the Egyptian Federation of volleyball under the chairmanship of the Sergani, today, Tuesday, the possibility of participating in the World Championship Beach Soccer for the Young Men and Women due to be held during the period from 22 to 26 June.

This came after the speech, which received the Egyptian Federation of African counterpart, who informed him the possibility to participate in the tournament after he succeeded Dr. Amr Elwany African Union Chairman and Vice-President of the International Federation in reserve three seats for Africa in the tournament.

Abdel-Fattah calls for fasting to resign in order to preserve the prestige of the arbitration

International referee Essam Abd El Fattah

Asked Essam Abdel Fattah international governance previous Samir Zaher, president of the federation, an immediate intervention to restore the prestige of Egyptian arbitration arena football after the fact to exclude bilateral Yasser Mahmoud and Mohamed Farooq from the Department of match El Gouna and Zamalek in the twentieth week of age the league and the presence of external forces affecting the process of judges of the courts .

Almundialy's ruling said the "seventh day" What happened yesterday ahead of Zamalek and El Gouna is something offensive to the rulers of the Egyptians, and will adversely affect the psychological state of the rulers of the long term.

Abdel Fattah added, "I wish from the panel of judges to insist on their position after the appointment of Yasser Mahmoud andthe lack of response to an objection from one , and do not respond to any external pressure and insists on its position in order to give strength to the family of arbitration . "

"What happened in the incident of yesterday is the first of its kind and is considered a fall in the right panel of judges present headed by Issam fast and the vibration of an entity Egyptian arbitration in general, "noting that he calls for the panel of judges if there was interference from one to influence decisions and to intervene in the heart of its work, it is Better to take the initiative to resign in order to preserve the dignity of the arbitration and the rulers.

A difficult task for Milan against Palermo in the Italian Cup semi-final

AC Milan
AC Milan run a tough test at home to Palermo, today, Tuesday, at the "Renzo Barbera", in the second leg semi-final of the Coppa Italia.
Examines the children of Italian coach Mashlmyano Alegre for a victory over Palermo in order to qualify for the final tournament in the hope of crowning his second this season after winning the Italian championship, beginning this week after a goalless draw with Roma, two rounds before the end of the contest, for the first time since 2004. It is imperative that the Rossoneri to win two straight at least taking care not received conceded any goals to qualify for the final, especially as the match ended in a draw positive (2-2) at home, "San Siro".
A doubt over striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic in the game today because of problems in the ankle, and it is the same for Kevin-Prince Boateng Ghani.
And the balance equally the two teams this season, where the confrontation ended, the three matches between them, the first victory for Milan (3-1) and the second won by Palermo, with a view without a response, Serie A, while the third ended in a draw positive (2-2) go in the cup.
The Milan did not qualify for Cup final Italy since season (2002-2003), and was crowned the time the title at the expense of his Rome, have repeated this final in the event qualify Milan and Rome, who is facing his Inter Milan "champions", tomorrow, Wednesday, in the second leg the semi-final of the tournament.

President of the Stock Exchange in the first day of the promotional tour of the Gulf: the government continues to adopt a policy of open market .. 60% of investors entered the market for the first time after the revolution .. And the withdrawal of land from real estate companies will not affect the shares

D. Mohamed Abdul Salam Stock Exchange Chairman

The head of the bourse, Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Salam, the period which followed the resumption of trading in the market on 23 March this year reflected the growing confidence of the investors, especially local and Arabs of them which is reflected strongly Statistics circulation, which revealed their direction Purchasing long-and medium-term and reflected as well as to reduce the selling pressure, which predicted a lot of economic reports before the resumption of trading in the last week of March.
He pointed out that this trust does not come from a vacuum, but based on the transparency of the deal, which was keen upon the Egyptian stock exchange when committed market management companies registered Bivsah integrated operational status and financial companies, on the other hand, Abdel-peace on the continuation of the Egyptian government to adopt a policy of open market and encourage investment foreign.

Statements of Abdul Salam came in the framework of the Conference, "the Egyptian Stock Exchange Present and Future" held in Dubai in the first episodes of conferences organized by the stock exchange within the activities of tour promotions in the States Persian Gulf, a conference which saw intensive attendance of managers and officials of financial institutions, the UAE and investment banks and brokerage firms working there.
The Abd al-Salam, the performance of stock market came at the best of what is expected also reflected the trends of institutions after Standard & Poor's began in the launch of a new indicator includes in it the number of emerging markets, including the Egyptian market.

And revealed to Muhammad Abdul Salam that approximately 60% of investors who purchase in the first trading sessions are the investors entered the market for the first time and returned the head of the exchange to their optimism diminished factor political risk compared to levels before the outbreak of the revolution, especially after it was agreed that a road map for the benefits of political and legislative and timing.

He also stressed the President of the Egyptian Stock Exchange on the need to witness the coming period, the combined efforts of all Egyptians, both at home and abroad until the rebuilding of the Egyptian economy and achieve growth rates necessary, pointing out that the transitions in the history of nations has been declining drastically in the growth rates with low value of the currency local which is what happened to other countries during the occurrence of revolutions similar to the recently witnessed in Egypt, such as Turkey and South Korea, which was similar to the economic circumstances of Egypt much before the changes witnessed by these two countries in the eighties of last century, and now these countries with promising economies.
According to Abdel-Salam that the withdrawal of some land from real estate companies, recently because of irregularities in contracts is not based on the administrative decision, but that was it will be a judicial decision, especially since some contracts have been illegal, and pointing at the same time that the government will not take decisions that affect the shareholders of companies that have no land dispute court, and Abdel-peace a number of scenarios to resolve the subject land, including the corporate owner of land to pay the price differentials in the form of payments on long-term, or to bear the businessman in person differences in price between the real price and the price of the purchase was tags.
He also praised Abdul peace privileges enjoyed by the Egyptian economy, especially the work force of young people, representing about 46% of the population in addition to the labor-intensive and low-cost, which is the least expensive compared to countries in the region, and other economic potentials of diversity relative to the structure of the GNP.

The Chairman of the Egyptian stock exchange on the question of a financial institutions around the modest liquidity, adding to the attention of stock market at the moment to increase rates of disclosure of integrated and quality of companies, including will certainly increase the rate of liquidity as well as tours promotional aims to clarify the status of the Egyptian market, thus raising the levels of liquidity significantly.