الثلاثاء، 10 مايو 2011

Late June .. Fleet Freedom 2 released into the Gaza Strip

Gaza Strip

Announced the international coalition convoy of freedom "2" to be routed to the Gaza Strip from the date of the postpone their trip to late June.

The coalition, during a meeting in the French capital Paris on Monday, and was broadcast in the Gaza Strip today, Tuesday, to postpone the conduct of the convoy comes to avoid confusion Turkey in light of the general elections scheduled to take place in the twelfth of next month, pointing out that the ships involved in the convoy will start From several ports, including the French port of Marseille, without revealing the total number of these vessels.

Israel has alluded to the possibility of using force against the convoy, under the pretext that it was Israel's security at risk have been talking about several scenarios, including the murder of solidarity and the use of Israeli missile boats to attack the fleet.

The coalition refused to (a fleet of freedom 2) International Israeli threats against him continued, and demanded the EU and all governments that participate in the citizens of the fleet and the more than a thousand people from around fifty countries that provide them protection from any Israeli attack.

Shalit's brother entered the flame ignition ceremony in Jerusalem

Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit
Brother broke into the Israeli soldier prisoner of Hamas in Gaza, Gilad Shalit (Shalit shall be entrusted) with his girlfriend Square to ignite the torch ceremony in West Jerusalem, with slogans calling for solidarity with his brother captive.

Shall be entrusted Shalit and chose the time to ignite the torch at Mount (Herzl) in Jerusalem to enter the ceremony to protest against the helplessness of the Israeli government in the restructuring of his brother, the prisoner of Hamas.

And shall be entrusted with his girlfriend tried to break into the center of the square, carrying banners that read (and parents bereaved father .. and I do not want to be as well), which carried the banner of his girlfriend (Netanyahu .. people decided to Itcafl socially to bring Gilad Shalit).

And the two shouted loudly (Gilad district so far .. Gilad district so far) in a bid to draw public attention until it was their evacuation by force by the security personnel present at the scene.

Prison for 28 years wanted to blow up U.S. federal court

U.S. court
A judicial source said that the U.S. admitted that he wanted to blow up a federal court in Illinois (north of the United States) for al-Qaeda, after being sentenced to prison for 28 years.

The representative of the prosecution would like Henin, said Michael Fenton belongs to those Americans affected by the ideology of extremist and violent and who tried in the past two years carry out terrorist acts in the United States.

He acknowledged the defendant's 31-year-old charges against him prior to his conviction, and admitted that he wanted to use a weapon of mass destruction against a building belonging to the United States.

In July 2009, Fenton suggested, on the security element considered to be linked to al Qaeda, the bombing of a federal court in Springfield, the largest city in Illinois.

After pressure on the timing wrong returned to the security component, who was waiting in a car, and walked away after the goal, tried in vain to blow up "the bomb"and then was arrested.