السبت، 7 مايو 2011

 Camellia Shehata: I am a Christian and a Christian Hamout .. And events Qrepettny more than "Christ" .. And a priest of Deir Mawas confirms: Camellia Koran did not come to the house .. And demonstrations aimed at undermining the Church and its head Pope Shenouda

Camellia Shehata on Live TV Coptic
After more than 10 months left Camellia Shehata wife Rev. Tadeusz Simon, a priest of Deir Mawas, came Camellia Shehata, she said, when out of the house was because of the otherwise ordinary with her husband, and was absent from the house and went at one closest to the away from the pressures of work and home, "noting that it did not reveal their location to anyone.
Announced Camellia Self months Coptic issue ancestral in Egypt, its adherence to Bdyantha original Christianity, saying: "I am a Christian and Hamout Christian", denying that have occurred in doubt about the religion of Christianity in the day, and said: "Christ is in our blood from, when we were smaller than an hour
What we take Chrism and I am a Christian. "
The Camellia, which appeared via video conferencing with her husband, the priest, Thaddeus, Simon, and her son, Antoine, to the "Daring Question", to channel life Alqubtabp Saturday evening, that her husband and her family told the state security apparatus Pachtvaiha, and has been rumored in the city for her abduction by Muslims to be declared conversion to
, and then reach the state security of the place, who was living in Cairo, where, and transferred to the headquarters of state security ".

Stressed Camellia, they do not know Sheikh Abu Yahya, who reportedly went with him "to publicize converted to Islam," adding: "I did not hear about this sheikh only through the Internet," asserting that the image of the veil fabricated, and that the documents published by the Amaaha, and state security taken
them, and do not know how I got the Salafis, and apologized to the Christians, and has not been delivered to the church.
She Camellia, which announced its adherence to Bdyantha original "Christianity", during the Houraha program question outspoken on Live TV "Coptic", they will remain committed to Christianity, stressing that the events brought it closer to more of Christ, and Christ is the protection and inspired him, adding: "Christ is
who can stand in the face of these events, and our Lord has given us the strength to fight these people. "

For his part, said the Rev. Thaddeus, Simon the priest of Deir Mawas husband Camellia, the Sheikh of Azhar, Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb said that Camellia did not voice converted to Islam, and Al-Azhar confirmed that Camellia did not go to it, adding: "I did not imagine that the differences with Camellia can lead to current events
, but the pressures that have signed the Camellia within the school, where he asked her to take the courses because they were on the Institute holds ".
The priest of Deir Mawas, the Camellia did not come Koran to the house, did not you save any verse a part of the Quran, stressing that the purpose of demonstrations is not a claim Bkamili, but the Nile from the church and chaired by Pope Shenouda III, describing the image that appears viscosity where wearing the headscarf
the "fabricated", adding: "I fear for my life after the recent events."
The Tadeusz: "I say to the Salafists enough, the Cuhtm picture of my wife, and forbidden to see this child what is happening to his mother," asserting that Camellia did not work at the school only 6 months, and not a year and a half was also raised and there is no school teacher who was told she had learned the principles of Islamic religion on his hand, his ring for the program: "The goal is the Church, even went to Camellia people, will not know one, and the church has the promise of our Lord, and as we have learned the gates of hell will not be able for us".

Nabil Alarby Foreign Minister
"Washington Post" American interview with Foreign Minister Nabil Arabic in which he talked about the role played by Egypt to reach a reconciliation agreement, that agreement, which is long overdue, and the approach which adopted the Egyptian Foreign Ministry with dealing with its neighbors.

He said the Arab, when asked how he managed in a few months of the implementation of the failure of the largest Egyptian officials, led by former intelligence chief, Omar Suleiman, who is bent over the years to negotiate with Fatah and Hamas to reach an agreement a unified government, it's started a whole with the new government created by the revolution , that government which confirmed since the first day we want to open a new page with all countries in the world.
Accordingly, we have approached with enthusiasm, and we stressed that we want to unite the Palestinian factions in order to be ready to enter into negotiations with Israel.
"When was the U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton here, I told her we want to appeal not the peace process, because I do not accept the word" peace process "is a process, not peace, what we really need is to achieve peace, so it was inevitable to achieve unity in the Palestinian house,
because this is in the interest of the two camps, as well as it is in the interest of Israel itself, "Thus said the Arab's" Washington Post. "
The Foreign Minister replied when asked whether he thought that this agreement will prevent a last exile with Israel, noting that the PLO, not Hamas, is one of Israel will negotiate with. Factions accepted a lot of conditions, and will be a government of technocrats (ie educated elite more informed and specialized in the field of the tasks entrusted to them).
He added that Salam Fayyad, prime minister may have, there will be elections to take place, and "possibly lose Hamas in the elections, no one knows, and really do not know why the U.S. government was lukewarm at first, then became hostile.
Commenting on the Arab and the presence of Hamas on the American list of terrorism, saying that George Washington was on the list of terrorism in Britain, and Nelson Mandela in South Africa, and Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir, Fbegn was one of the biggest terrorists and was responsible for the bombing of the King David Hotel, while Shamir was responsible for the assassination of Count Bernadotte, and both work for peace after that.
He says "Allow people to fight for the cause of seeing daylight at the end of a dark tunnel, and to enter into the light of peace, then world history."
He asked the Weymouth, Arab Egypt's position in September when the Palestinian resort to the United Nations to request the recognition of a Palestinian state, especially with the sought Fayyad to establish a state of Palestine this autumn, said: "we support this wholeheartedly, and we urge all our friends to do like us, and we urge
Europeans, and we hope to recognize all of the State of Palestine. Although Hamas does not accept Israel, but they accept the idea that the Israelis, their neighbors, and we want to be approval of the State of Palestine on the recognition of the great majority of Member States.
And on the borders of that State, said the Arab It's the same border which was agreed in 1967, with the exchange of lands that have been agreed upon with the former U.S. president, Bill Clinton, according to the Camp David Accords.
Talking about the Iranian issue, "said Weymouth for Arabic," I said recently that Egypt intends to prepare for the normalization of relations with Iran, "an individual commented," No, never happened, but I said that Egypt is the heart of a new page with every country in the world, did not do I never Iran, but when
Asked if this includes Iran, I answered in the affirmative. We do not want to look behind us, but forward. So far we have not taken a decision on Iran, every country in the world to have relations with them, except the United States, Egypt, and Israel.
Commenting on the Arab rhetoric used by carry an friendlier more to Iran, especially after it allowed Egypt to cross the Iranian ships from the Suez Canal, saying, "We are not at war with them, and we are opening a new page with every country in the world, and we can not stop the ships passing through the Suez Canal, only if we are at war with the state belonging to them.
Although she had had a cell tracking Hezbollah against Egypt several years ago, but that Tehran "is not an enemy, and if you want me to say, Iran is not an enemy, and we do not have any enemies, anywhere."
And the relationship with the United States State of America, asked the Arab whether the relations which were based on the strategic vision of the common will change, he said that the concept of openness and turn the page does not affect our relationship with the United States or any other country, even the closest friends and allies of America and the goals of Britain, France and Germany , have diplomatic relations with Iran, I do not see where the problem specifically, the All America's allies have relations with Iran.
Although U.S. officials fear that the trend toward him the helm of the Egyptian foreign policy, "I think we will be closer than ever .. and told Clinton, and a number of U.S. lawmakers who met that I wanted it."
And the peace agreement with Israel, said that Egypt is the Arab will stick to an agreement ratified by all, and this is the goal of the treaties. He stressed that Egypt has the nature of relations with Israel, but some differences between them, and this is what usually happens between neighbors, may disagree about the suffering of the people of Gaza, and we will work to alleviate the suffering of the people in Gaza.
We will work to meet the needs of Gazans, this is very important to us, and the United Nations, the European Union, they asked us to do so.
And growing problems with the Bedouins of Sinai, said the Arab, it's under control now.
And to allow Palestinians to enter Egypt, he said, "We allowed them to come to here, but if any of them is not desirable, will not be allowed to enter, but we will provide the necessary humanitarian needs of Gaza.
The Arab, on the other hand, that Egypt will stick to its agreement with Israel for the sale of gas and will
 continue to sell gas to Israel, but may differ with them on price, but this is trading

