الثلاثاء، 10 مايو 2011

Ocampo I address a formal request for arrest against Gaddafi

Attorney General of the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno-Ocampo

Libyan sources and human rights, that the Public Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno-Ocampo will submit next week a formal arrest warrants against three leaders of the Libyan regime, headed by Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and his son Seif al-Islam and Abdullah Sanusi head of Libyan intelligence.
The location of "the Arab net" has been moved this morning, diplomatic sources in New York that the Public Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno-Ocampo plans to charge for Khadaffy and stand-Islam and al-Sanusi, which was confirmed for the seventh day Nasser Amin, the Arab Center for Independence of Judges and Lawyers, said that Ocampo "will present on Monday of the executive department of the court a formal request for the arrest of Gaddafi, Saif al-Islam and Elsnose. "
He added the Secretary, that there are a number of Egyptian human rights organizations participated in the preparation of a file charges Qadhafi's, pointing out that there is an alliance Egyptian involved with the court in the preparation of criminal files against the defendants, and predicted that the Court shall prepare a list of other defendants in the events of Libya include the rest of the members of the Libyan regime .
He expected the Secretary that the next step, that would be in the submission of documents, which often condemns the accused and the court will agree on procedures of arrest and issued a formal decision from the Court and the arrest of the accused on the basis of Attorney General's Office will take the necessary measures to implement the decision of detention.
He pointed out that in the case of the inability of the Attorney General's Office to implement the decision of arrest, it is possible to have recourse to the Security Council.
Commenting on that, the Albarky Yassin, a Libyan political opponents, that this resolution is in the interest of Libyan guerrillas, noting that papers would be a new pressure on the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.
He Albarky to include detention decisions of all members of the Libyan regime, who took part in the massacres against the Libyan people.
Albarky predicted to succeed in court to obtain the arrest decision, but pointed to the need for serious international community in implementing the arrest.
And demanded the international community to deal firmly and seriously in the implementation of court decisions, saying "it's easy to be arrested if they want to Gaddafi, as they succeeded in access to bin Laden, the Gaddafi is no less dangerous for it.
The Ocampo briefed the Security Council last Wednesday, it will be an indictment with three names to the judges of the Pre-Trial Chamber a few weeks later, is that "Arab" I learned that this command will be open next Monday, May 16, but delayed presentation for technical reasons, it would be for a day or two days only.

Priest of the Church of St Telegraph: Copts are subjected to systematic attack of the Salafis

Side of the events Imbaba

In the framework of follow-up to the events of Imbaba, launched by groups of Salafis against churches, "said the Daily Telegraph that the Christians of Egypt are exposed to organized attacks.
The newspaper quoted a priest for the Church of St assertions to attack the Copts was organized, where religious authorities have warned the country's risk of civil war .. Said Father Cherubim Awad, the plot is the only explanation for the violence that strained relations between Christians and Muslims in recent weeks.
He stressed that in the same night, was attacked five churches .. Since the beginning of 2011 saw the churches in different parts of the country attacks at frequent intervals .. He added that there are some hidden hands behind these events, whether from inside or outside the country.
She pointed to the Telegraph that the war in the streets, which witnessed Imbaba Saturday showed the breakdown of law and order in parts from Egypt since the outbreak of the uprising that ousted the regime of President Mubarak last February.
According to the description of the British newspaper, the big band of Salafi Muslims, who believe the ideology of terrorist groups, led the attack on the Church of St, on the pretext that a woman converted to Islam six years ago, the church is detained.
And confirms that the father Sharobim after the evening prayers began screaming Salafis and their followers calling for the Copts in their own homes Imbaba "Walk from here," chanting "Islamic, Muslim, Islamic, in the spirit we will redeem you crescent."
The paper claimed that belong to the Salafist Islamic group responsible for terrorist attacks against tourists in the nineties, are the most prominent since the departure of President Mubarak's ruling, declaring that they would present candidates for the forthcoming parliamentary elections.

Netanyahu is proud of the national unity in Israel, contrary to what happens in Egypt

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Israel has established a massive celebrations in most cities and settlements of the 63 anniversary of the Israeli occupation of Arab territories in 1948 known as the "Holiday of Independence."
The Israeli public radio reported that the celebrations started Wednesday evening in many Israeli cities, have also been performances, and fireworks are huge.

And the face of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a congratulatory message to the Israelis claimed that: "Israel is an island of progress, democracy and development and freedom, in a region stretching from western India to the Atlantic Ocean across the Middle East and North Africa."
Netanyahu also said: "At this moment Israel has been able to put an end to the differences and the differences within the society, and that they must be proud of the achievements of the Jewish state in that area, and above all must feel strongly the national unity, the opposite of what is happening in some neighboring countries," in
signal is directly from him what happened in Egypt from the sectarian strife in recent days.
The Chairman of the Israeli Knesset: "Reuven Rivlin," speech at the ceremony, saying that any party, whether from right or left is not worth the province, and any center does not deserve ostracism from the community, "adding:" We have seen during last year's repeated attempts to unload the political debate of
content either through the removal of some of the groups or opinions through letters to cover calls for the renunciation of certain categories of society, and that the differences between the different groups no cause for fear, because there is a partnership in the determination of all. "

Rivlin pointed out that Israeli democracy has faced difficult tests and passed out successfully, despite the fact that Israeli society lives in an atmosphere saturated with tension, he said.
And current events in the Arab countries praised the Speaker of the Knesset demonstrators in these countries, to engaged the struggle for freedom and freedom of expression, and for creating a democratic and equitable, as he put it.
In the same vein, he sent U.S. President "Barack Obama" Last night, congratulations to Israel on the occasion of the anniversary, which is at the same time a catastrophe for the Arab countries because of its occupation of Arab lands in the same time.
Obama said that the relations of friendship, the American-Israeli and very close and hard to break it, he said, based on shared interests and values ​​and a commitment to the U.S. firm to protect the security of Israel, and expressed his confidence down the consolidation of these relations, recalling that the United States was the first to recognize the state of Israel immediately announced in 1948.
In the past a rare burst into "shall be entrusted Shalit," the brother of the captured soldier to the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, "Gilad Shalit", accompanied by his girlfriend Square ceremony, the two are raising a banner reading "Gilad is still alive", and Israeli police Bigelaihma from the scene in a mountain, "Herzl" Jerusalem occupied by force.