السبت، 7 مايو 2011

Cairo Press Today: Adli refuses to wear a blue suit .. And the President of the Muslim Brotherhood Party: looking for a Vice Coptic .. And Shaheen: military vote "impossible".. Continued: refused to issue a fatwa for "blessed," allowing export of gas to Israel Voqalny.

Varied News newspapers between refusal and former Interior Minister Habib al-Adli, wearing Blue suit in a prison farm Torah, and the capture of Suzanne Mubarak and her sons, and Anas el-Feki, and Farouk Hosni 1.5 billion pounds from the Reading for All Festival, even emerged News restore the Ministry of Awqaf Mosque Nur of the Salafists, after helping Her army, leading to recognition of the former Grand Mufti of Egypt, by refusing to issue to former President Vetotin QIZ agreement allows the export of gas to Israel, which caused his dismissal from office.

In an interview to the President of the Freedom Party and justice, Mohamed Morsy with colleague Mohamed fiction, said Marina that the group does not seek to move closer to the majority, because it is not in the interest of Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood, and he was looking and studying a deputy Coptic him, pointing out that the leader of the group decided not to be a member of the Party, although the list does not stop him.

Detect, Dr. Majid Othman, Minister of Communications for amazing facts about what happened in the first three days critical of the Revolution on January 25, in those days, which cut off the communications and disrupted the Internet, to lose the youth revolution, one of the most important weapons "communication", which were facing the "machine of repression" Security and armor and a raid and a bullet Quarter and hoses, water, where cutting off communications came under the direct orders of former Interior Minister Habib el-Adli, who was based on the Telecommunications Regulatory Act, which was dismissed by the government with the laws of black many during the years of collapse last decade before the revolution, so as to hit the revolution and the isolation of the demonstrators.

Senior officials said the U.S. State Department, the United States that consultations are underway with international partners and international financial institutions on ways to help the Egyptian economy, the amount of $ 165 million.

For his part, Dr. Ali Al-Samman, in the interview to a colleague Sahar Abdel-Rahman, Zakaria Azmi in charge of the first and last isolation of Mubarak's people, while making Safwat Al Sheriff, NDP entity huge without any value, describing Ahmed Ezz Bamoror and do everything on behalf of Gamal Mubarak.

Taught by Dr. Samir Radwan, Minister of Finance, increase the limit for exemption from property tax for residential units to about 12 thousand and 600 pounds of annual rental value of the property instead of the exemption ceiling current of 6 thousand pounds a year, lead this increase to the exemption of real estate which is worth no more than a million pounds From paying property tax, while the exemption of real estate that do not increase the price to half a million pounds.

Revealed General Staff Sedky Sobhy master commander of the Third Army, that Alsoaisp are the first to set the Egyptian revolution, and they are also the first to have returned to production, stressing that "the people of Sinai heroes fought together the October war and Snguethm together fighting development, "pointing to the factories of the army and provided alpha and 150 Jobs for young people during the week, it also contributed to the distribution of 9 thousand and 500 housing units were closed to the checkpoints.

Detection Sheikh Shawki Abdel-Latif, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Awqaf and president of the grandson of Mubarak's charity for the first time, that the supervision of the Assembly of Muhammad's son Alaa Mubarak charity was free of charge, pointing out that his membership of the National Party and the parliament was the view of service and the issuance of a cadre preachers, stressing that it is not the only accused of fraud, Ahmed Ezz and hurt everyone.

Said the great writer Louis Grace, the former regime, the foundations of corruption, opportunism and Fahlop and the police state, and that the next government will be one of the delegation and the Muslim Brotherhood and the Free Egyptians, and Alaa and Gamal Mubarak, who were on the role of the sponsor in the Egyptian Investment, and Zakaria Azmi is "important, " Mubarak, and this is his partner in the Corruption, the problem of Camellia Shehata is misconduct of the Coptic clergy.

Detection Mufti of Egypt, former Dr. Nasr Farid Wasel, that he was under pressure from the regime of deposed Hosni Mubarak to issue a fatwa on leave sign the QIZ agreement between Egypt and the Israeli occupation and America, and another fatwa on leave export natural gas to occupy during his tenure as Grand Mufti of Egypt, before it dismiss the From his post shortly after the previous rare in Egypt for refusing to issue such a fatwa.

Dr. Abdel other Hammad Mufti of the Islamic group of fellow Azzam Mohamed Abdel Nasser, that Ayman al-Zawahiri had wanted to keep the members of Al Jihad to direct a blow to the ousted President Hosni Mubarak, saying that al Qaeda is backed by U.S. big lie and Washington encouraged the Islamic Jihad to attack the Islamists taking the Russians to get rid of the two.

Investigations have revealed oversight for new surprises on the issue of taking money Reading for All Festival, are in for Susan fixed, the wife of Mubarak, Farouk Hosni, Minister of Culture, former, and Anas el-Feki and former Information Minister, and his publishing house famous 1.5 billion pounds were sent by the State and foreign bodies to support Festival.

Said Belgian lawyer Tunisian origin Mahdi Abbasi, a member of the Commission recover the proceeds of Tunisia from abroad, that what the Swiss lawyer Pierre Lars for Egyptian today on the restoration of Egypt 20% of the total money diverted correctly 100% of the legal point of view, because the cost of money-laundering operations, ranging from 40% and 60% of the original amount, which means the arrival of more than half of the money diverted to the hands of gangs and mafia money laundering.

Saw Tura Prison yesterday a state of speechlessness severe among ministers imprisoned immediately after the reception and former interior minister, Habib el-Adli, broken for the first time since he entered prison, after he was sentenced to aggravated 12 years to be introduced into the cell after several minutes of standing with the sheriff without speaking with One refused to get out of his cell in the afternoon, and then surprised his colleagues Adli prison before his arrival, a mosque hours of ears Friday, sat on a chair and read the Koran very humbly clad, wearing white after refusing to wear a blue suit.

Said Dr. Ihsan Kamil Georgi Chief Medical Examiner, that he could not determine the health status of former President Mubarak, because he did not hold any medical tests it until this moment, and therefore can not assess his health, pointing out that waiting for mandated public prosecutor has signed a medical examination on The former president.

According to the Declaration of weekly number of new Al-Fajr, it appropriated a coup attempt which he tried to Gamal Mubarak, the exclusion of Field Marshal Hosni Tantawi, head of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, Major General Omar Suleiman, Vice President of the Republic, through the appointment of Major-General Hamdi, prestige and minister of defense, Anas el-Feki Director of General Intelligence , where he went, Field Marshal and Chief of Staff to meet with Mubarak after the battle sentences, portraying the Council said they were arrested, until he came on Mubarak to step down, said Marshal "Ciha", he asked the Marshal Vice President: "means of Libyan Hemcy not?".

And reminiscences with former president and his wife, wrote my colleague Adel Hammouda, editor in chief under the title "I'm ghee Basha great, " including when he sat down Hamouda with Osama al-Baz in his office, Mubarak was sound or sound and image, said to him, Baz "The president will raise your issue on charges of insulting the king Saudi Arabia, "and another position when he asked him FIKI order of the President not to write jokes about it.

Decided Dr. Ahmed Gamal El Din, Minister of Education and increase the rewards of participating in the exams, either observation or monitoring, or the committee chairs and the correction of between 60% and 70% increase from last year.

Issued today the Department of Investment Court of Administrative Justice, headed by Judge Hamdi Yassin Okasha, ruling in the appeal, Hamdi Al-potter the rule of invalidity of contract cities, who sued the former Prime Minister and Minister of Investment and former Chairman of the Holding Company for Construction and Development and looms Nations-owned investor in Saudi beautiful cauliflower, calling for the invalidity of the contract signed The sale of Omar Effendi to a company-owned looms cauliflower.

After twenty-four hours of the first demonstrations Copts inside the Cathedral of the Orthodox response to the demonstrations Salafis on Camellia Shehata, reported that the Orthodox Church gave the green light to Camellia Shehata wife priest Dermwas queens, to appear through one of the satellite channels of Christianity, to close the file controversy over the fate of church and Salafists.
With threatened Naguib Gabriel lawyer Camellia cancel the Agency and the withdrawal of defending, revealed Church sources that channel life Coptic, which is broadcast via satellite, the European host Camellia Shoukry, and her husband, in an exclusive interview this evening, will also be broadcasting the meeting over the channel's website in a live broadcast .
For his part, Dr. Hossam Bukhari, spokesman for the "coalition of defense for new Muslims" that the emergence of Camellia through the channel of life Coptic provoking and igniting of the disputes and sectarian strife and the beginning of a new war of the Church against Muslims, justifying that they refuse to show Camellia through any channel, even if the Egyptian or Muslim, believing that Appear is a real and acceptable to the prosecution and by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, after a medical examination to ensure no exposure to any action or falling under the influence of drugs or pressure, provided to be with her son to ensure that no fear or pressure him.
The Messenger's "seventh day" they warn of the approval of the emergence of Camellia away from the prosecution, which consider the issue, especially since the specified channel is hostile to Islam and Muslims and provoked by day and night, pointing out that the Camellia held from 9 months and no one knows anything about it, and what happened to her throughout this period.
The decision also quoted sources close to the door of controversy and crisis, which almost turned into a crowd of mutual and exchange of accusations between the church and a group of Copts and some Salafi schools, especially after it came to the Copts demonstrated in the face of demonstrations of the Salafis.
While others Naguib Gabriel lawyer Camellia statement to the media said it regretted the possible emergence of Camellia Shehata in the satellite channel is in Egypt, stressing the need to represent the Camellia first to the prosecution or the judiciary to end the serious crisis, adding that he insisted always on Ms. Camellia more than once that if you wish appearing in the appearance shall be for the rest of the Egyptian people and filling the mouths of tendentious, and be a channel through the Egyptian, explaining that he preferred, in particular one of the official channels to preserve the stability and integrity of the fabric of this country.
Said Gabriel, "The regret of taking this step without consulting us, it could not be contacted, must be the need to bring it before a public prosecutor or the judiciary", otherwise you will continue looking at her agency has or not.
It was on behalf of central Cairo, began last week re-investigation into the incident based on reports to the Attorney General made by a number of lawyers and the Salafist movement against the disappearance of Kamili, and announced at the time Naguib Gabriel that he had met with Kamili and her husband, the priest, one of the headquarters of the notary and handed him power of attorney prosecuted for their behalf, in all proceedings of the case before the judicial authorities.

Bashir welcomed the delegation and the Egyptian People's shaking hands with all members in recognition of the Revolution of January 25 .. And stresses: Tel Aviv entered the continent for the absence of Cairo .. And open arms of any investor, Egyptian and Halaib is not our crisis with Egypt

Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir welcomed the Egyptian investments in Sudan, saying that he opened his arms to all Egyptian businessman who invests in the Sudan.
Bashir said at a meeting with this morning, Saturday, the delegation of the Egyptian, which includes a large number of public figures and political rights, most notably Dr. Sayed Badawi, head of the Wafd Party, and Dr. Amr Hamzawy, a professor of political science at the University of Cairo, the Sudan, state and people want to open page
New with Egypt after the revolution of January 25, saying it was the first head of state to visit Egypt after the revolution in support and an emphasis on her credibility.
The al-Bashir during the meeting, which did not last more than 40 minutes that the regime of former President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak, ignoring the Sudan and left mired in internal problems and external, without giving them any help or guidance, which led to Egypt's loss of its role in the continent.
President Bashir affirmed the growing Israeli influence in the continent, particularly the Nile Basin countries and it was increased only after an absence of the Egyptian role, which reflected negatively on Egypt in the Nile basin agreements and re-division of water.
And hit the al-Bashir an example of the weakness of Egypt's strength in the continent, saying that Egypt supported in the past dozens of liberation movements in Africa, which was a great role in standing 34 countries in Africa next to Egypt and the severance of diplomatic relations with Israel during the setback 67 in solidarity with Egypt, The
Now Many African countries are not given attention to Egypt, because of lack of communication and the disruption of the link.
He called al-Bashir that extends the relationship between Egypt and Sudan in all fields, from building cultural bridges and railroad lines and land transport, and rivers and air, stressing the need for a genuine partnership between Egypt and Sudan, the Sudan has the ingredients and fertile land, Egypt has brains.
With regard to the crisis of Halaib and Shalatin, Bashir affirmed that it is not an obstacle for the Sudan, the State of Sudan is very broad, stressing that the problem occurred during the division of the border during the British colonialism.
Bashir explained that he had asked more than once to sit with the Egyptian side is that the former regime has not responded, stressing that the solution to the crisis lies in the sitting and understanding only.
Bashir and ended his full confidence in the government of Dr. Essam Sharaf said: "The fact that the honor of choosing the Sudan to be the first country Erzorha after the success of the state is a reassuring message to the Sudanese people that the relations in the future will see good developments.
The keen-Bashir at the end of the meeting, shaking hands with all members of the Egyptian delegation.

Said Council on American-Islamic Relations "CAIR" The airport authorities and the U.S. state of Tennessee on Friday, the expulsion of two Muslims from a flight to North Carolina, because "they looked like" is not comfortable for passengers.

"We CARE" that Msdor Rahman, Mohamed Zaghloul were wearing traditional dress of the Muslims, about the passengers in their affairs after the death of al-Qaeda leader bin Laden, and requested the passengers from the airport authorities to remove them from the aircraft in anticipation of any thing may happen during the trip.

The airline said it removed the passengers from the plane and gave them the opportunity to fly on a plane again, and apologized to them for any inconvenience, but security measures remain in the end.

Hop, "said Ibrahim, a spokesman for CARE to CNN news, the two men contacted his office and told him they were expelled from the plane because their shape is comfortable for passengers.

Said Abdul Rahman, a professor at the University of Memphis, he would not waive his right to reply asking not to repeat the event again with any person whatever his religion.

When asked, Mrs. Jehan Sadat, following the deposition of Mubarak expressed the view in Mubarak and Susan said morality knights unless at least they are in office would not say they are outside the government and the same act of Ibrahim Issa, Knight, who attacked the Mubarak in the prime of his strength, walked away after the fall of man was riding a wave of attack on Mubarak.
Agree all or most of us the corruption of Mubarak's rule and the numerous errors committed by Mubarak and his aides are in connection with the prosecution of what they had done from the mistakes and crimes against the people of Egypt and the law should take its course, but I wonder who rode the wave of revolution and paved the rein to their imagination patient with sensational titles and accusations, mostly without the support or guide and be surprised addresses of a sample of sex scandals of the deposed president to the end of accusations from people they do not dare to enter the toilets in the presence of Mubarak or any other person of his associates .. I am here I am not going to defend Mubarak and his followers understand guilty of crimes many judge them by the judiciary, but I wonder if the country after the revolution, the Arabs are back to back, you see the same faces that were supported and blessed and Tbaya itself are wearing the mantle of the revolution and the fool you are in editing the sake of memory, and take attack and a way to increase sales and further accumulation of pounds to banks and some speak confidently about the news like he was living at the presidential palace, although the most expensive aspirations before the revolution was the passage of a palace .. Fear God in Egypt and the fear of God in your pens and look for the best of Egypt instead of digging in the past.